Welcome to Service League Dallas!
Our Mission
To be the hands and feet of Christ by assisting, supporting and serving those who are in need in our community.
We are so thankful for the moms and girls who came together in 2014 to create SLD!
As Kyndall Richardson (‘18) started school at TCA as a freshman, she and her mom, Libba, were looking for a way to serve the community. They were unable to find a group focused on hands-on service, so they called a few friends - Bryn & Sherri Barringer, Libby & Susie Floyd, and Sarah & Mary Linda Lipe. Together they dreamed up SLD over dinner at Fernando’s! They spent the following year developing bylaws, coordinating with local philanthropies, and welcoming others to join their efforts.
We are thankful for their hard work, and for every member who has served over the years. Our success is the cumulative impact of every single act of service performed by every single member. Our shared story as Service League at Dallas is a testament to the power of a dream, brought to life by a few determined young women and nurtured over time by many more who share their values and desires to serve others. Still today, with 145 current members, our focus remains the same - serving in fellowship as the hands and feet of Christ!